Mini Review Week: Day 2

Screen Shot 2016-09-27 at 7.15.36 AMWhen I decided to take an extended break from blogging, I stopped reviewing anything I read completely.   YIKES!

So, to play some catch up, I decided I will be posting “mini reviews” of all the books I have read in the past couple of months while I ease back into blogging!

Yesterday, I posted about Me Before You (Jojo Moyes), No One Is Coming to Save Us (Stephanie Powell Watts) and All We Ever Wanted (Emily Giffin).  You can check those reviews out HERE!

So, here we go!

Continue reading “Mini Review Week: Day 2”

Mini Review Week: Day 1

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When I decided to take an extended break from blogging, I stopped reviewing anything I read completely.


So, to play some catch up, I decided I will be posting “mini reviews” of all the books I have read in the past couple of months while I ease back into blogging!

So, here we go!

Continue reading “Mini Review Week: Day 1”

Discussion Post: You Had Me Until the Ending….

Screen Shot 2016-09-27 at 7.15.36 AMWe’ve all been there.  You pick up a book, one that has topped your TBR pile for months, you start reading and are instantly hooked.   After reading late into the night, sneaking in some pages on your commute, reading through dinners and television shows, you finally reach the conclusion of the story AND…. blah

I can’t even count how many books I have read lately that have “had me” until the ending.  In fact, I have made countless books recommendations to friends and family, raving that “you’ll love this book!” but adding the disclaimer “don’t mind the ending”

This really got me thinking.  What is the deal with book endings lately?  I narrowed it down into few hypotheses…

Continue reading “Discussion Post: You Had Me Until the Ending….”

When Life Gives You Lemons, You Take a Break from Blogging…

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Hello hello, fellow readers!  I’m back! I have missed the community so much!  Now, I would like to say how much I missed the actual blogging but that would be a lie!  I really needed the break!

The past few months have been filled with change (some exciting and some…not so much) and I found myself in a complete reading slump.  In fact, I haven’t picked up a single book since April!  Coming from a book-a-day reader, that is INSANITY!

Now that I am out for summer break and things have calmed down, I am looking forward to getting back into the swing of things and doing that on my own terms.  For a while, I was finding myself feeling loads of pressure to read certain books and take part in an abundance of blog tours.  Really, reading was becoming more of a chore than something I could do to relax.  I’ve decided to take an indefinite hiatus from blog tours and am going to try and work my way through my backlist.

So, that may be a little bit boring in terms of new and upcoming books but I want to show the books on my shelves some love instead of getting lost in a sea of review copies.

I am also planning on becoming more involved in the Goodreads community and in the book club that Chelsea (from The Suspense Is Thrilling Me) and I started! Yay!  I am recommitting to my Popsugar Reading Challenge and I am just really excited to move forward and chat books with all of you lovely people!