Book Tag: Blogging Advice Tag


I saw that Kayla did this tag over at kdrewthebookworm and I loved it; I was shocked that I had never seen this tag before!

Now, I am in no way a blogging expert, so please, take my advice with a grain of salt. I am really doing this tag so I can perpetuate its existence and make other people, who are better bloggers than I am, participate.

And then I can steal their tips.

True story.

 How do you make time to blog?

I don’t really “make” time. I just do it. I usually keep notes on my phone while I’m reading a book so then I can quickly change it over into full sentences and a word document later. Then, whenever I have a free moment, at work or at home, I type it up. Usually, I do try and spend some part of my Sunday (usually while my fiancé is watching football…or whatever sport is happening that season) to queue up my posts for the week.  That way I can spend my free time being active on social media, answering e-mails and sharing other people’s blog posts.

This is not something that always works and sometimes life does get in the way, but, ideally, this is how it works!

Do you regret blogging?

Never! I love it.

It is so satisfying to be able to read something and talk about it with likeminded people. I have met so many people in the blogging community who live half way across the world that I now consider my friend.

What are the best things about blogging?

Well, obviously the books.

And truly, it’s the community. I love being able to talk to bloggers, publishers, and authors about books.


What are the worst things about blogging?

I struggle with saying no or not finishing a book. Realistically, I know that not every book is going to be more me. And yet, I have pretty much a quarter life crisis each time a book isn’t sitting well with me and I have to call it quits.

I know how much work people in publishing do to promote books and how many blood sweat and tears go into a book when the author is writing it. So it’s very difficult for me to give up, even when I am not a fan.

I am working on this.

But the struggle is real.

It’s also a struggle to try and not overextend myself; I read quickly, I always have but I need to make sure I keep myself in check so blogging never becomes a chore.

What social media do you recommend creating before starting your blog?

I don’t think you need any before you start your blog. Start your blog and then decide what is going to work for you. I started mine and had Instagram. Then once I got into a groove with those, then I added Twitter. I just recently added Facebook.

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to be perfect everywhere. Do what you can.


What do you do if you need help with your ideas for future posts?

Most of my posts are book reviews, so I never have issues with that since I read 25+ books a month.

I would like to challenge myself and complete some more original content eventually.

What is your best post?

Oh gosh, I have no idea.   I am going to change this question and tell you my FAVOURITE post. Hands down. My author interview with Ania Ahlborn; she is my favourite writer and I was basically going to have a stroke when she agreed to be featured on my blog.

What is your worst post? 

I am sure my first few posts were fairly cringe worthy.   I was super new to the blogging world, unsure of myself and afraid of stranger danger. I bet they sounded like I was a robot.

How long have you been blogging for? 

I have been blogging since September 2016, so truly, my blog is still a little blog baby.

How long will you blog for?

I will blog for as long as I can; as much as it has it’s stressful moments, it is still something I enjoy.

I tag anyone who feels like they would like to do this tag; I would love to read everyone’s answers!

20 thoughts on “Book Tag: Blogging Advice Tag

  1. Cool tag and advice.

    25 books per month, WTF, that’s like half my yearly count!😂

    Glad I’m not the only one who writes notes on their phone whilst reading, it’s something that I do and thought it was weird!😂

    Only just noticed that the eyes move on the blog graphic, freaky but awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yeah, 25 is a lot! I just started blogging and I like it already compared to how I was reviewing before, on YouTube. I still haven’t gotten a set schedule down though. 🙈

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It really is and I think you have to enjoy editing videos to truly like it. I’m sort of a perfectionist and even after I would edit the videos there were still things I didn’t like about them. And…I would say the BookTube community is very hard to get into. All of those things completely took away the point, which was to talk about what I love doing, reading. Lol But that’s just my experience!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. 25+ books a month? wow that is so cool.. I agree about not feeling blogging like a chore.. I considered my self as fast reader, too (I read 10 book per months) and I had trouble catching up writing the review.. hehehe Thank you for sharing your tips Sam 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I still have my stressful blogging moments but they now only are about the fact I can’t visit all the blogs I wish I could. The writing reviews or bookish posts part is pressure-free right now 🙂 Great post!

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