Sitting Down with John Hunt: Author Q&A @johnhuntfiction #authorq&a


Thrilled to be sitting down today with the author of Doll House, a book that I read (and LOVED!) this past week.  Looking at writing horror, character research, and what John likes to do in this spare time, keep reading to see what John Hunt had to say when I put him in the hot seat!

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Book Review: Doll House (John Hunt) @JohnHuntFiction @brwpublisher

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Olivia is a college freshman; bright-eyed, eager for what the future holds until she is abducted and kept hostage locked in a room. For five years she is raped, tortured and abused. Her room is pink. A room fit for a doll. She is a member of their sick collection.  After Olivia escapes her captors, her worries truly begin. Getting out of the Doll House was the easy part; remaining away from the Doll House proves to be the bigger obstacle.

Continue reading “Book Review: Doll House (John Hunt) @JohnHuntFiction @brwpublisher”